I watched all of Round 5 of the NFL Draft. Every pick. (Get a Life, its round 5) The Steelers had 4 picks in it and i was hungover! (Off wine coolers) With the exception of the ever pompous Eagles homer Ron Jaworski (this douche has a mailbox at his house that is in the shape of a golfball) i find the ESPN panel soothing when combined with ginger ale and a banana (a widely regarding hangover cure). Speaking of Jaws (writing of Jaws...thinking of watching JAWS), there was a moment around pick 150 or so where ESPN cut to Kirk Herbstreit and Matt Millen to chat about college football, now that Millen is on that show and not MNF. A comment was made that Jaws likes Fried Boloney (not Bologna) sandwiches and Millen replies that this is typical of "A Pollack from Buffalo" (or something like that...it definately included Pollack and Buffalo) He followed it with a deep gutteral laugh (like he just saw someone get hit in the nuts). About six to ten more picks were made and ESPN cuts to Matt Millen again, sitting alone this time. He then apologizes (in the tone of a young child whose just been scolded) for the comment saying he "didn't mean anything negative to toward Jaws (he can't go down with three barrels...not with three he can't!) or persons of Polish decent." As much as i wanted him to commit career suicide by backhandedly insulting all of Eastern Europe and the recently deceased Polish President i think I just felt sorry for the guy. He almost single handedly ran the Lions into the ground despite a bunch of consecutive top 10 picks (lets get
another WR). He was on MNF and now is kicked down to College Football Live (he likes wearing funny hats with Lee Corso). What does this guy have that people keep hiring him or just keeping him around? A great agent? Blackmail on everyone at the Lions and ESPN? (Naked pictures of Erin Andrews) Millen is a Dufus and if it wasnt for Joe Buck, Tim McCarver and Joe Theisman, he would be my least favorite sports tv personality (excluding women and Pollacks).
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