Saturday, February 6, 2010
...and then you wake up
I'm old enough by now to realize that dreams don't come true. For the little kids that still believe in fictious things, I suggest you move to the next post. But for others, let's venture down the list, shall we?. There are many things now (or that have always been) that just aren't real. They are (in no particular order): The Easter Bunny (but the basket of candy you're forced to look for for hours is real), Santa Claus and anything associated with the north pole (which is why those cookies you left out every year has now made your dad fat and a diabetic, congrats!) the Tooth Fairy (but now kids ages 5-12 think it's really the Rock Dwayne Johnson), your chances of getting laid by the girl next door or the "it" girl in high school (who both now have 4 kids and no job in their early 20s), Hulkamania (milk and vitamins now replaced by muscle milk and steroid cycles, brotha), pro wrestling in general, your salary increase in 2010, a President that looks out for your best interest (no, you can't), your chances of hitting the lottery, the Saints winning superbowl XLIV and Unicorns.
It's hard to coming to the realization that some good things aren't real. For the Saints, they had a good year. Brees finally got the credit for carrying a team on his arm and not much else, the defense actually showed up for the first 13 weeks of the season and all was right with the world. But to think that the Saints have a shot at winning the Superbowl on Sunday is stretching, at best. Yes, they are only 1 of 2 teams that can win, so yea 50% chance.. But the other 50% is the Colts. There really isn't much to be said that hasn't been said already. No one has a job better than Jim Caldwell. I wish i got hired into a job where I didn't have to do much. They must have told him in the interview "so yea, the guy that left left the team in great shape, there really isn't much to do, here is Peyton Manning, he'll take care of things. Just smile, say a few words at the press conference, and drive away" The only things we know about Jim Caldwell is he coached elsewhere for a season or 2, is friends with Tony Dungy, has fascinations with chinese symbols and tries his best to not mess with much else. His only fault? Sitting the team against the Jets and a week after. This team could have easily been undefeated, but it's as if he didn't care.
I'm not going to get technical about why the Colts will win on Sunday. I just know that dreams (like those of Saint fans wanting a Superbowl) in most cases go unfulfilled. You know the story about writing the letter, throwing it in a bottle in the ocean and having it discovered 30 years later? Your bottle never makes it to shore. See the trailer for that "Dear John" movie? The guy doesn't write 40 letters...there is email and cellphones now. And if he hasn't hit it by then, and he is gullable, he had to have stopped at letter 2. You know the dream where the hot girl is about to take off her shirt? The girl's chest is hairy and sagging, or its just bright light. For saints fans, you know the dream where Brees is running the final scoring drive, only a few seconds left down by 6? Brees drops back and is about to throw...and then you wake up. It never gets to this is over by the 3rd quarter.
31-17 Colts. "Who dat at da door?" It's Peyton Manning, 2 time superbowl champ
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Hulkamania is alive and Well Brotha! It lives in the hearts and minds of all the little Hulkamaniacs world wide, and in the Hulkster's continuing desire to bang girls younger than his daughter that strangely resemble her...maybe a little less beastly, but close. As long as there are Real Americans, Hulkamania will fight for the rights of every man.